RETIA, a.s.

Company description
“We deploy state-of-the-art scientific expertise as quickly as possible and are a trendsetter in the field of contact and dispatch centre quality management. Keyword and emotion analysis, dialogue flow, topic detection, speech-to-text and the deployment o
RETIA, a.s. was founded in Pardubice in 1993, so we can pride on 15-year long tradition, which is rare in the Czech IT market. RETIA has been engaged in manufacturing and development of special electronics with three production programmes. RETIA, a.s. has been a producer of ReDat - complex solution for recording calls and customer service quality. Military production is oriented on the field of weapon system modernization, radar technology and development of C4I system for fulfilment of Czech army needs as well as needs of other countries abroad. The third programme is localization and tracking system to detect and localize live entities in urban environment.
ReDat by RETIA, a.s. has attained a dominating position on the Czech and Slovak markets and we have become a prominent supplier of recording solutions for dispatch centres, contact centres and telecommunication operators. Nowadays there are more than 1 800 ReDat Recording System in operation. Our solution supports integration with various telecommunication technologies.