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Understanding the ‘customer experience’ is increasingly seen as the key to competitive advantage.  

Although there are now many channels of communication, the telephone remains the preferred method for immediate customer interaction and is a source for significant insight. Conversations happen in real-time, providing instant feedback for better decision-making.

Incorporating business analytics and call recording to any customer service strategy provides business leaders with the assurance that decisions are based on a more complete picture of customers’ behaviour.

Business communications can be tracked, monitored and evaluated using analytics and call recording.  Real-time analytics deliver business-critical KPIs on visual dashboards and wallboards.  Call recording playback and evaluation provides instant qualitative feedback for informed decisions.

A single consolidated view of assets, usage, cost and performance provides visibility and insight for telecoms expense management.
Highlighted trends can raise questions that affect customer service levels as well as the overall cost of business operations.

An independent telecoms cost audit is a good place to start, then for ongoing analysis a fully managed self-service application makes light work of complex tasks.

Our solutions are sold via an extensive network of global partners, who work with us to achieve dynamic product evolution in line with customer need.

Partners are provided access to an analytics and management tools to manage customers, licenses, self-provisioning, utilisation, billing and fraud configuration in one single portal.

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