
Why choose iC360 from Tollring?

iC360 is quick to deploy, easy to use (yet sophisticated), flexible and scalable.  

A self-serve web portal delivered as a service (SaaS):
Robust system availability and secure access
•    24 x 7 x 365 system availability
•    Built in resilience, robust back-up and low risk of system outage
•    Secure company-wide access from any internet enabled PC (RAID compliant, SSL protected web portal)
Managed accurate data upload
•    Reformatted carrier data
•    Quality checking
Minimal disruption to the business
•    No IT capital investment required (IT costs minimised) and zero impact on IT resources
•    No hardware or software to deploy or maintain
•    Integration with your finance, CRM and HR systems
User are empowered to make data-driven solutions
•    A standard and common interface
•    Gain control of users, costs and suppliers
•    Automated processes to improve workflows
One off monthly fee
•    Manageable and predictable monthly fee (+ one-off set up)

Visual dashboards, reports and alerts
•    Dashboards, charts and tables
•    Unlimited and easy to filter reports
•    Custom export formats
•    On-demand and scheduled reporting

How is iC360 unique?
•    Accessible to all staff including Line Managers & end users
•    Personal Call Management for cost recovery
•    Comprehensive Inventory and Asset Management
•    Re-rates minute and text costs - Reinstatement of actual costs 
•    Dashboard for every user
•    Enhanced access & reporting for every user
•    Multiple reporting outputs – CSV, HTML, Excel, PDF
•    All reports can be tailored and scheduled to run automatically
•    Unprecedented levels of control, reporting  and analysis

Is certified
