ProCall Enterprise
ProCall Enterprise 2.2 is the convenient solution for 3rd party CTI.
The CTIServer distributes the extensions of your PBX as TAPI devices within the network and every ProCall-client is able to use its services everywhere in the network. Now you can use the ProCall client as a Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook or as a standalone version for Lotus Notes / ODBC.The included "occupied" display shows you information about other subscribers. The included messaging system allows you to send messages directly to other users via the "occupied" display.The offline protocol informs the subscriber of any missed calls, even when the workstation is turned off. Calls and tasks can be planned and you will be reminded, so you need never forget a call.
The ESTOS ECSTA 2.0 3rd party driver guarantees communication between a server PC and your PBX. This driver provides all functions of the telephone system in different telephony applications. With this connection you are combining the fields of TC and IT.